How We Teach & Support

It's the little things we do to support an individualised learning program that get us the big results

How we teach and support

Our entire teaching staff is dedicated to the detail and we want to ensure every child achieves to their own potential. 

This means ensuring we have a robust system of teaching and support that not only caters to the average (or middle student) – but also the advanced student or the student that needs some extra support. 

For learning to take place we need to ensure that every child feels safe, happy and confident within themselves – and so a huge emphasis is placed on a strong wellbeing and support program that achieves just that!

Building Positive Relationships

TVPS understands that developing positive teacher-student relations  greatly influences the school climate and how students learn. We all want  to feel cared for and valued. Students are no different. This knowledge is  very valuable. As a classroom teacher, we have the ability to ensure that  all students feel valued and care for them as individuals. This is  established in the ‘shared’ setting of our classroom norms and  expectations, which leads to a positive classroom climate. Positive relationships are built on the foundations of dignity and mutual  respect.

Learning Differentiation

Differentiation is a key high impact teaching strategy (HITS) used by  teachers to craft lessons that provide the right amount of support and  challenge for every student. 

At TVPS differentiated teaching can ensure that all students can master  their individual objectives and continually grow even if they aren’t  necessarily at the same starting level. 

The purpose of differentiation is to look at the relevant skill levels of  students and ask: “What are we going to do to increase depth, broaden,  extend and improve upon the knowledge and the skill base of every  student in the class, regardless of the starting point. 

It doesn’t matter whether the student is at the top end of the academic  spectrum, or whether the student requires additional support. Differentiation is teaching to every student’s zone of proximal learning development.

Digital Technologies

Digital Technology at TVPS is not just a powerful tool for learning, but also  a vehicle for innovation and creation. 

We are truely blessed at TVPS. Our students have access to class sets of iPads in Years P-2, 1:1 iPads in Year 3 and 1:1 Laptops in Years 4-6. As well as a large availability of peripheral devices such as Digital Cameras,  Robotics, Coding Resources and 3D Printers to truely give all our students  a ‘head start’ into the dawn of the 22nd century. 

These technologies are greatly supported and used by our staff in the day  to day delivery of lessons and special clubs, including our Coding Club and ValleyTV.

Extending Students

True extension is provided through effective teaching and using evidence  of student learning readiness, learning progress, and knowledge of  individual student learning profiles, to make adjustments for individuals so  that all students experience challenge, success and improved learning =  Learning Differentiation. 

TVPS students are supported through a range of extension programs  outside of the classroom including: Maths Olympiad (Years 5&6), Maths Games (Year 4) and the G.A.T.E.W.A.Y.S. program.

Learning Support
TVPS delivers a differentiated curriculum and offers many programs to support learning, including the 2021 Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI).
The TLI is driven by student learning need, with students ranging from those who already had additional learning needs prior to the period of remote and flexible learning in 2020, to those students who were previously progressing at or above level, but whose learning progress was most impacted by remote and flexible learning.
TVPS also offers learning support through the placement of staff, engaging and differentiated activities, learning clubs and the innovative use of technology as a learning tool.
Kinder to Prep Transition

The Prep Transition Program at Templestowe Valley PS is designed to make the move from Preschool to Primary School as seamless as possible.  It will allow your child to commence school with confidence. We offer a comprehensive range of activities and opportunities for families and children to get to know our school ensuring both you and your child are ready for their first steps in starting school.

Information about our Transition Program for 2023 Prep students can be found below.  Weekly school tours, conducted by either our Principal or Assistant Principal are scheduled on a Wednesday from 11:30am.  Tours generally take between 45 – 60 minutes. Please call the TVPS School Office on 8850 5777 to book a place.  If you’re unable to join a Tuesday tour, please ring the Office to see if an alternative time can be arranged.

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

A successful transition from primary to secondary school involves a  student being able to move as seamlessly as possible to their new setting.  To ensure all students are supported in their transition to secondary  school, TVPS ensures our transition practice and programs provide  appropriate personal, social and academic supports to promote student  engagement and wellbeing. We do this by: 

– referring to the Year 6 to 7 transitions framework to identify their key dates and communication. 

– develop and update parents and students as to the transition process. 

– establish and maintain relationships with all secondary schools. 

As part of our ‘Transitions’ program we invite all secondary schools to  come and talk to our Years 5 & 6 students about their schools and allow  students to voice any questions or concerns they may have.  Once the transition selection has been completed, we actively engage  with the secondary schools to provide as much information about each  individual student for placement at their new secondary school; academic, 

social, emotional and friendships.

Moving from Primary to Secondary School information for parents: to-7.aspx

What makes the TVPS Year 6 to 7 Transition Program unique?

Sweet Valley High 

The Sweet Valley High Program was established to best prepare our  students for the environment of secondary school. During SVH (Sweet  Valley High) all of our Years 5 & 6 classrooms change into a secondary  school setting. This involves all students being placed into a ‘Home Group’  and experiencing a Year 7 timetable. = 5 different teachers in 5 different  locations (rooms) with 5 different subjects.  

Sweet Valley High runs over 1 whole school week and really immerses our  students in a Secondary School setting = Timetable, subjects and  movement between classes.

Moving Schools to TVPS

Considering TVPS or have already made the decision? The first step is to contact our front office on 8850 5777.

We pride ourselves on good communication and providing detailed information to make the move as positive as possible.
School tours are conducted by our Principal or Assistant Principal and are a wonderful way to see the school in action. Find out more about the philosophy in teaching and learning at Templestowe Valley and view our excellent facilities. This is a great opportunity to learn about the benefits of our school.
School tours are available Wednesdays @ 11:30 am by appointment throughout the year. If this time doesn’t suit, please call us and we can arrange another suitable time for you. Please phone the Office 8850 5777 for an appointment.

Start With Our Online Tour  →

We have produced some teaser videos below but the best way to meet us is to register and watch the full videos

Isn't it time we got to know each other?
Take our online VIDEO TOUR or book a SCHOOL TOUR!

Meet our principal, teachers, current students, parents, learn about our curriculum opportunities and tips for a smooth start to school.


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